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Developmental milestones record - 12 months
Definition The developmental milestones record - 12 months refers to the skills and physiologic growth markers regarded as having particular importance to 12 month-old children.
Alternative Names Normal childhood growth milestones - 12 months; Growth milestones for children - 12 months; Childhood growth milestones - 12 months
Information Physical and motor development:
  • Weight should have tripled
  • Height should have increased by 50% over birth length
  • The
  • head circumference should equal that of the chest
  • May have 6 to 8 teeth
  • The
  • anterior fontanel (the front soft spot on the head) should be almost closed
  • Disappearance of
  • Babinski reflex
  • May walk independently or with the support of one hand
  • Can sit down without help
  • Tries to build a tower out of 2 blocks
  • Turns through pages of a book by flipping many at a time
  • Sensory and cognitive development:
  • Follows a fast moving object
  • Has control over response to sounds
  • Comprehends several words
  • Can say mamma, papa and at least two other words
  • Comprehends simple commands
  • Tries to imitate animal sounds
  • Associates names with objects
  • Searches for objects that are hidden, but unable to consider alternative locations
  • May develop attachment to a toy or object
  • Experiences
  • separation anxiety and may cling to parents
  • May make brief exploratory journeys away from parents in familiar settings
  • Play:
  • Provide the infant with picture books
  • Provide the infant with different
  • stimuli
  • Go to the mall (people)
  • Go to the zoo (animals)
  • Play ball
  • Build vocabulary by reading and naming people and objecting in the environment
  • Teach hot and cold through play
  • Provide large toys that can be pushed to encourage walking

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